
Archive for October 15, 2009


October 15, 2009 6 comments




You Think You Know ,…But You Have No Idea!!


Alot of the time  US who are on the side of light burn the bridge that links those who are in the dark to crossover .

Its like as soon as we crossover and find Jesus we close the door for everyone else to come through who doesn’t look or behave like the lieght we once shunned.

 Recently alooooooot of videos have been flagged supposedly ‘exposing’ people like BEYONCE,RHIANNA,JAY-Z and a whole host of people,in a bid to warn us to stay clear of them……so i wonder…..when alll the CHRISTIANS stay clear from them….who do these celebrities  turn to for LIGHT??????

I know if JAY-Z  was to become a Christian tomorrow half of us wouldnt even beleive him and secondly wouldnt even accept him!!

I have always  tried to check my heart not to judge celebrities because …I have a personal COMPASSION for them .They perform before packed stadiums and then come back to an empty hotel sleep all on their own,they live a life constantly under the media’s eye and are scrutinised for EVERYTHING they do!!!!Their mistakes are magnified a 1,0000 TIMES more than ours!!


If you dont agree with them, PRAY FOR THEM , stop witch hunting them and trying to find flaw after flaw in their life, NO…they may not speak in tongues and go bible study in between a 24 date tour, but that doesn’t mean God is not in the centre of their heart and that they are not earnestly seeking HIM. it doesn’t mean because they don’t do ‘GOSPEL music that they are heathens…their gifting led them down a totally different path than that of  say Fred Hammond or Israel Houghton…does that make them SINNERS??

If 50CENT did turn away from rap and started doing GOSPEL , we’re so fickle that we would be all happy and blogging it and putting it up on facebooks!!….but that’s just wrong, cos if i was 50 i’ll be thinking …you guys are FAKE:

“when i was in the world you didn’t wanna know me..why you wanna know me now?”

STOP throwing stones at them , instead throw your prayers at them!

Many dont know that before Asher D got caught with a weapon , he was sufferring death threats to his kids and getting his TT smashed in with bricks! Know wonder you got a pistol in your whip ….I WOULD!!JHEEEZE!!! LOOOL….but all people would have focused on was the media hype around So Solid and guns…….

The lifestyle may look glamourous, but the life to support it is harrrrrd!



People cuss JAY-Z for the mason stuff…..let me ask you this….if you own a multi-million empire and they said if you dont agree to do this and this…we  will  make the source of your income collapse…and take your life from you!…..what would you do(not as a Christian!) will do what you need to do to maintain it….!

They are HUMAN BEINGS and allowed access to the same truth you beleive in ,do not shun them because they are not YOU!

Sorry for the emotion…its just that this really touches a nerve with me , because we think we’re soooooo heavy !We think cos we know God we can pass judgement on others with such certainty…WHO ARE WE!!!!!? and when did God retire……?????

People cuss celebrities who dance naked in videos….WHY ARE YOU SOOOOOO SURPRISED?????when you make a living off sexual attraction and thats allllll you’ve known…why would you do different them SEX SELLS !!!!

(Tope relax…breathe ..inhale …exhale…loool)


I watched the videos below and saw the pain in  STEVE HARVEY’s eyes as he  spoke , and it made me think of how Beyonce must feel …i imagined what if this was Beyonce on the show…what pain must she be feeling from the Church that has totally washed its hands of her!!!!

Celebrities need our prayers and support aswell as the next Christian,many of them desire God or have them in their hearts but it may not be expressed as overtly as we may flaunt our JESUS IS MY LOGO badges or JesusLoves Me jumpers..give them your time as they scramble to find the light switch in the dark.

If you know celebrities personally whether in the media eye or just ‘stars in the hood’ ….be there lifeline to Christ, don’t just use Tinchy Stryder or Chipmunk as  name dropper instead engage them and let them know they can come to you for prayer for emotional and spiritual support.

Okay….:)Watch the videos below, watch all the parts and get a feel for what im talking about:)Let me know your thoughts!!:)

Until i type again

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