
Archive for October 19, 2009


October 19, 2009 Leave a comment


LAST WEEK , I sat down to analyse and write down what my VALUES are in life -MONEY came up as one of them which I began to realise I have unfortunatley started to link to my happiness. So for example, if  I have MONEY im happy…if i don’t im unstable and down in my emotions….NOT GOOD!!

I regard money alot , i love the ability to be able to see something and  purchase it, to be able to see someone else’s need and meet it , to be able to treat others around me( i would love to take 10 of my close friends and just got to SELFRIDGES and say PICK WHAT YOU WANT!!!!! hmmmmmm! ..ONE DAY …ONE DAY!!!)

However over the weekend, after experiencing a severe down in my emotion due to money shortages God showed me that money should be an OUTSIDE object. An abstract object separate from my emotions and feelings , an object that is not a determinant of my personality or character.Instead to be used simply as a tool.

Also I learned that I DONT need more money in life contrary to popular belief,because when you dont have much  money at your actually realise what your necessities really are….TRAVEL …FOOD….RENT…you actually dont NEED more money …. all other  things outside these are luxuries!

More importantly when you don’t have money take time to focus on what you DO HAVE  in life…YOUR HEALTH,YOUR FRIENDS,YOUR FAMILY,YOUR JOB ..YOUR WONDERFUL GOD…..take time to realise the blessings you have already been given in your time between money:)

Have a look at the video , hope it helps:)

Until i type again…LOVE YOU!

Love these 2 scriptures:

Matthew 6:25-34 

Phillipians 4:8


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